Sunday, July 22, 2007


ended up going to the diner tonight with my sister and my cousin.
what else is new
haha they are such boobs, i love them.

kevin and i went into the bathroom together cause we're weird or something idk and there were straws in there which made us laugh because of that video we made where he was liek .. "you just take one of them straws there and stick it up!" mannnn.

em and kev said that i'm birdy. i dont know why. but emily is elfy and kevin is pointy so i guess its okay., apparently michelle is pitching mound? whatever that means. em is so elfy, in fact, that she had to be told to "put her elf in a box". maybe to ship off to santa via north pole express.

hm. me and kevin wasted like 5 bucks buying tiny beach balls that we were blowing up and throwing around in front of the diner. oh welllll, at least he asked first. ("steph, can we waste your money?") so we did. ..beach party with no sand "dont pop my balls" "thats disgusting!"

he BUMPed me .. i have to go with gina and michelle and colleen to see hairspray tomorrow because of zac efron and the dirty references and michelle's screaming in movie theaters.

em bit into a pickle and pickle juice went all over the place. whatever, she likes girls.

then we were talkin about how i ran over a raccoon the other night in my dad's car for some reason so my uncle had to tell me a story about he unintentionally licked a dead rat.

thats my family in a nutshell

kevin had to tell me a lot of stuff about fat people too.
some girl was like dancing around amongst little boy underwear in the store singing "i'm like the wind"

i also had to go to his house with him after dinner to play wii.

then i had to go pick up michelle from work at 9 and she was like OMG the end

but not really

cause then we toasted quesadillas in her toaster and she bit into it but really she ate part of a paper towel

and then emily walked into the kitchen and michelle said : "wow em, you actually look feminine today."

now it's the end.

oh but p.s.: jimmy suck my balls is freaking jacked. he weighs over 200 pounds because he put up so much muscle

kiss it you gay fag.

oh AND church this morning. alan - "oh, you were gonna end it?"
best line all year.

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